Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Common Effects Shown By Clonazolam During Lab Research

Clonazolam is a popular depressant that falls under the benzodiazepine chemical class. It produces anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, and amnesic effects when administered. Clonazolam is a research chemical derivative of the FDA-approved drugs clonazepam ( also known as Klonopin or Rivitrol) and alprazolam (Xanax).

Clonazolam is a highly potent chemical and concerns have been raised about its use as designer drug in many countries. In countries like USA, the sales and purchase of this chemical is prohibited for human consumption but you can still buy Clonazolam online from various online research chemicals vendors for research purpose only.

As briefed earlier, this popular research chemicals shows the following main effect during lab testing:
  • Sedation: Sedation is the state of decreased agitation, sensory input, and alertness.
  • Muscle Relaxation: The state of muscles losing rigidity or tenseness and becoming relaxed is called muscle relaxation.
  • Seizure Suppression: The process of suppression of frequent seizures is known as Seizure Suppression.
  • Anxiety Suppression: Anxiety suppression is the partial to complete suppression of a person’s ability to feel anxiety, nervousness or negative feelings that were caused due to tension.
We don’t promote the human consumption of this chemical, but giving knowledge about its potential side-effects is necessary for us.
  • Amnesia: Amnesia is a physical state in which a person is unable to recall certain events and suffers from short-term memory loss.
  • Disinhibition: It is partial to complete suppression of ability of a person to induce normal social behavior and general decision-making processes.
  • Respiratory Depression: It is the state of reduced urge to breathe & is normally "sighing" pattern of breathing.
  • Increased Libido: It is intense increase in feelings of sexual desire and sexual activity.
  • Delusions of Sobriety: Delusions are spontaneously occurring false beliefs.
  • Analysis Suppression: It can be stated as one's inability to process information & logically analyze concepts, ideas, and scenarios.
  • Increased Seizures (in epileptics): Clonazolam consumption can also result in increase in Seizures.
  • Aggression: It is the feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent acts or behavior.
  • Increased & Rebound Anxiety: A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities. An increase in anxiety or cycles of dependence & addiction can occur on using Clonazolam.
  • Dream Suppression or Dream Potentiation: Dream potentiation can be described as a cognitive component which increases the intensity, vividness and frequency of sleeping dream states. Dream suppression can be described as a suppression of the vividness, intensity, frequency, and recollection of one's dreams.
These are all common effects shown by Clonazolam during research.

Disclaimer: All products are for research purpose only. Therefore, their human consumption is strictly prohibited. 

Also Read: Domestic Research Chemicals & Their Effects in Scientific Research

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